Senin, 20 September 2010

me = minority

 started 15 years old , my friendship unlike mostly teenager

i already found my friends from punk street kids , they are wild life with alcohol, smoke and drugs . but they are my friends , my family . I always accept them for what they did while they don't bring bad influence to me .

i don't know why , i can be very happy with them than i with my "high" friends

for them "high" , i was considered too extreme in friendship , but i don't think so , they just judge me !  they just judge the cover by it's cover

the years passed

and then me ? yeah , remain in view as a minority teenager
where with whom and how i play ?

where ? maybe , i say i can going anywhere . i can go to street of the city , i can go to house friends , i can going anywhere .
but , what am i want going anywhere ? hahahaha that question need my answer is NO !

honest , isn't my motive to economial or anything . I am was teenager karaoke anti , shoopaholic anti , i don't know why . for me there are many other things that are more useful and beneficial .

for you my friends , don't anytime invite me to shooping , on cinema and karaoke zzz

whith whom ? I rarely play with peers , majority old age my friends of me . im comfortable with them :) my old age friends hehhehe .

It's me , some teenanger girl with old thinking

how i play ? talking about minority , something about minority , lifestyle minority and life experience about minority .

am i freak ? am i old style ? am i normal ?

why i can not get comfortable with the way to the mall and shopping street, where photos, follow the contemporary style, updating the latest song, update the gadget.

If it's true I'm poor, I would be grateful because I'm poor, I learned to hard to follow trends, I'm forced to stare at what is there and I learned to accept that there is. I'm not them, I'm a minor, I'm young and will be the minority

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